BookStack is a Laravel based wiki application.
It can be installed by checking it out to a directory,
install its dependencies,
config the DB,
and point a 'Symbolic link, Apache/PHP-FPM' type app to the 'public' sub directory.
First create a new OSUser for this app to live in, it makes deployment a little easier.
Create a MariaDB database and user.
Shell commands,
mkdir ~/src
cd ~/src
git clone --branch release --single-branch
php81 installer
cd BookStack/
php81 ../composer.phar install --no-dev
cp .env.example .env
php81 artisan key:generate
# At this step edit the .env file and configure the DB settings.
# also edit the domain setting
vim .env
# once you save and exit vim then you can run migrate,
php81 artisan migrate
At this step you can create a new 'Symbolic link, Apache/PHP-FPM' app the path will be /home/NEWOSUSER/src/BookStack/public